Friday, October 31, 2008


Late one night.. 3 girls couldnt sleep.. stumbled and tumbled upon a pumpkin patch (ok, we really couldnt sleep and the pumpkin ptch was on fai/nic's land haha) dressed as sweet little Snow White, Alice in Wonderland and Glenda the Good Witch. Out of no where the sky turned green and ghosts appeared!!! The girls turned ghoooooooulish and squealed.. TRICK OR TREAT!!

oomg that was weak haha! Honestly my friends and i just decided to wear our costumes and take pictures, I knew i wanted to post a Halloween post on this blog.. so why not! Happy Halloween everyone and be safe on the streets tonight!

My Alice in Wonderland look is disturbingly bloody and i love it! Looks like Alice fell down that rabbit hoel and smashed up her pretty face a little. I bought the costume last Halloween and im not sure its still avaiable, guess one way to find out is to stumble on over to Random!

Isnt that skin incredible? Ms Tuli as always, need i say more? The blood splatter came with my Alice costume and the cute bandaid is from House of Paisly now known as The Cute Institute, i made a trip over to make sure they're still available and they are!! So rush over because they're super darling.

SKIN: Tuli - Nikki Gash in Light skin ton
HAIR: ETD - Chalisa II in Honey
COSTUME: [Random] - Wonderland Costume
EARRINGS: Paper Couture - Flower Bead Dangle Earrings
BANDAIDS: The Cute Institute - Oopsie Daisy Bandaids in Dotty Pack (nose and knee)
SHOES: Maitreya - ChiChi Pumps in Black

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