Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rock The Fuck Out

You've been given a direct order to rock the fuck out
Rock out like you were just given the last rock n roll record on earth
and the minutes are counting down to flames
Rock out like you just won both showcase showdowns
Rock out like the streets are empty except you, your bicycle and your headphones
Rock out like your lips were just placed onto a break dancing muse
with legs that go all the way up
Rock out like publishers clearing house is ringing your front door
Rock out like you'll never have to open a text book again
Rock out like you get paid to DISTURB THE PEACE!

-Excerpt from "Direct Order" By Anis Mojgani

After i heard this i went crazzzzy like.. I WANNA ROCK!!! I threw together a punk rock look and dug it so much i had to post it. So short, sweet and to the point... check the details and ROCK THE FUCK OUT!

SKIN: REDGRAVE - Sakura in Nude
HAIR: Digit Darkes - Defiance in Straight Light Caramel Brown
SKIRT/BELT: eLDee - Culpa Grey (part of outfit)
BIKINI TOP: Last Call - Minx bikini top (discontinued)
NECKLACE: Genesis - The Cross in Silver
EARRINGS: FabulouS - OldSchool Earring in White Gold
CUFFS: ETD - Leather Ring Wristband in Black
TATTOOS (top and legs): Canimal - Body Graffiti in Asian
TATTOOS (hips): PopFuzz - Monkey Hip Tattoos
SHOES: Shiny Things - Glossy Ribbon Boots in Black

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