Sunday, April 26, 2009

Serrriously... it's been HOW LONG?

Yes, I am back!!! It's been a LONG LONG LONG time since I posted, RL has taken over my time.. and the bit of free time i had left, I'd rather sleep! But the semi-break from SL has been fantastic. I've become OBSESSED with a certain saga about a sparkling vampire. Yes.... I've become a TWILIGHT fan!! Not the movie though, that sucked so much arse, but the books.. MY BUDDHA!!! The books are BEYOND fantastic!! I read all 4 in about a week or so and have gone back to RE-READ them. Although i started to hate Bella's character.. i mean seriously?? WHINY much!??? I fell in love love loveeee with the wolf pack, mainly JACOB! Which is absolutly funny because my friend Fai and I argue for our boys all the time. The convo goes something like this..

Fai: Team Edward!!!
Bubs: Team Jacob!!
Fai: Whatever,t ake the wolf, you can smell like a wet dog
Bubs: I WILL take the wolf you bloodsucker-groupie! At least we get to have dirty doggy style sex in the forest! You know wolves can fuck like champs!
Fai: But then they sleep, vampires don't sleep and we stay up to destroy houses
Bubs: Glares
Fai: Glares..
Bubs: TEAM JACOB!!!!!

lol.. which makes me laugh so hard. So that brings me to a point, because i do have one!! I was at BOOM shopping during Aranel's 50-75% off sale and i saw all these TEAM EDWARD tshirts, they're sooooo cute and don't get me wrong, even if i am Team Edward, doesn't mean i don't appreciate the vampires in the book, personally, I LOVE EMMETT! So anyhoo, I sent Aranel a message.. basically saying.. "what about us TEAM JACOB girl!??" And Aranel, who i am sooooo inlove with right now, msgs me back and says "I'll make you one!" *screams* *claps* *falls over in a sudden burst of pleasure* Aranel made me a Team Jacob shirt... in yellow (my fave color) which I've been sporting around, Fai got a few Team Edward shirts, we were hanging with the boys and decided to do a mini photo-shoot/blog entry.

God my stories are so long winded!! So anyways, we're sporting BOOM t-shirts! I bought The Boy his because i saw it and knew he'd adore it! I took Token to grab his right before we did the shoot because he popped over to hang and i had to put him in the pic!

Left to the right.. the tshirts say:

House: Bukkake Ruined my Carpet (and i was right, he love it)
Fai: My Heart Has Been Cullenized
Token: Get ME Another Beer, You're Still Ugly (roflllll)
Mine: TEAM JACOB (fawwwwk yeaaa!!)

so long winded over.. I'm now back to posting on a regular (or semi regular I'm still pretty busy) basis and I'll you all in the shops!!



Anonymous said...

I feel like I just read a convo between my sis and I- she's team Jacob and I'm team Edward. Aranal is great! And, I'm sure many people will be glad there is a Team Jacob out there on the grid. Let the Edward/Jacob debates continue!

Bubbles Komachi said...

you must give your sister a big TEAM JACOB snuggles for me!! Its the same with my RL baby sister and i, she's totally team edwards, we're looking for team shirts in RL now, im sure its out there somewhere.