Monday, February 9, 2009

Barbie Girl

I just realized its been AGES since I've blogged. RL has totally consumed my life the last few weeks. I moved in with my parents to save money..since the economy is like shit these days. Bye-bye to walking around my living room naked, or cooking at 2 am just because I'm hungry. My parents are asleep by 11pm and I have to be quiet after that.. it's SOOO WEIRD!!! My sister's and father's birthday were last week as well, along with a bday party for my baby sister.. with some of our closest friend, getting drunk and playing Cranium til 3am. Lol, RL is good!!!!

Anyhoo, to the post!! It's a quick one, but i haven't been in game I've had the same thing on for.. days, very different for me i know. Since I've been known to change every single day! The top... i adore, it's very simple and actually is a part of a dress, but i adored the top portion so much i've been wearing it with pants. It was a gift to bloggers from Aranel Ah (wooot ty Aranel!!) of *BOOM in honor of her new Main Store and will be officially available as a dollarbie opening day (feb 20th). I adddddddore BOOM clothing, so i was all about ripping open my package as soon as it was dropped! I paired the top with the gorgeous leather pants from Fishy Strawberry and heels from AW Design. I don't know why, but I've been in love with white hair... or very platinum blond, it just works with my dark skin, i feel very Barbie Girl.. or Barbarella (worlds GREATEST MOVIE!!) in it. Its simple but its what I've been running around in when i am in game. I'm almost settled now, though my closet and room here looks like a tornado hit it, but i like living in chaos. Its when things are organized i have NO IDEA where things are.

On to the details.. and looks like I'm back to being online on a semi regular basis.. WOOT!!

SKIN: REDGRAVE - Tan Leona in Soft Pink
HAIR: MiraiStyle - Rika in Pearl White
TOP: *BOOM* - Dollarbie Gift soon to be Released (part of outfit)
PANTS: Fishy Strawberry - Benatar Leather Pants in Gun
BRACELET: Bonita's Jewelry - White Pearl Double Wrap Bracelet
SHOES: AW DESIGN - Sugar 'N Spice in Black/Cerulean

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