Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Like A Boy

Ladies... I think it's time to switch roles. With Valentine's Day fast approaching, I'm sitting here, remember some of the boys in my life. What if i wasn't the good girl i most certainly am, what if i acted more like a boy, what if i played, cheated and never gave a fuck. Would the boys then sat around and waited on me? Suffice to say i NEVER waited for a boy.. well maybe 1... fine..maybe 2 but only because i was "in love", but at the same time, boys seem to have a knack for being dickheads and never giving a flying fuck! Not to say there aren't bad girls out there ( simmer down boys), but this isn't about that right now. I've been listening to Ciara's "Like a Boy" over and over most of this morning and put together an outfit inspired by the song.

Not to say i wanna be a player today, but wonder if i did, would things have been different. Bleh, i could never compromise myself or stoop to the level some of my EX's have.
So I bet you guys are going "wtf Bubs.. this i suppose to be a FASHION post, why are you babbling???" and my answer is.. well cus this is my blog and i can babble like that!! *smiles wide* But i will be talking about the outfit.. here's another look at it *big cheesy smile again*

I'm diggin the baggy pants, which i NEVER wear anymore in RL.. but used back in Jr High (rofl @ those days) and the shirt is body hugging sexy. They're both from
[ JP ] DESIGN, who i found one day just TPing around. JP lists themselves as grunge/neko wear with an assortment of shirts, tanks, shoes and cute Neko things. I bought these pants for one reason only... THE IPOD!!! It's wayyy cute attached to the high textured belt, and the pants and ipods come in about 5 color, all changeable with a drop down script menu (which i appreciate), detailed pockets all over the paints and a well made chain to the side complete with wallet and dollar bills sticking out (damn thats cute!!), the shirt comes 3 colors to a pack and prim rolled up sleeve and a carton of cigs. I gotta say, the clothing is detail orientated AND simple at the same time, and it just works

See those super BAD ASS rings I'm sporting!??? The pink one is my very own BUBBLES' Ring made by my girl Kieran Debevec, who JUST opened her first store CHLOE in the new Phoenix Rising sim (claps rapidly.. YEAAA KIER!!!!) When Kier first started making jewelry, she asked me for a project, and i said i wanted a HUGE ring, a "IN YOUR FACE - gaudy as hell - look at me look at me - I ROCK" kinda ring with a canary yellow Diamond. And she made it for me!!! You can now find it at her store CHLOE (along with some yum yum freebies she's set out) in different metal settings AND its scripted to change diamond colors. Did I mention she made the ring for my RIGHT hand without me asking (cus you know, dont want the boys to see me sporting it on my left, might think im attached ) GOD SHE ROCKS!!!!

The other is by Dango Jewel (FabulouS).. who i btw.. own everything of! Dango has a way of making retro 80s style jewelry with a modern twist. I find myself rocking her stuff hardcore, and this wide and pinky ring are certainly no different.

I said i wanted to dress like a boy.. but lets face it, i cant leave the PINK behind!! I gave it all a feminine touch with my pink scarf and head band on my hair. I was searching PINK TIMBERLANDS but couldn't find any (if you know where i can find some or wanna make me some.. drop me a HI inworld!!) so instead I'm sporting my Ubu Pink Rain Boots... yea I'm rocking it!!

*Throws up the deuces and hummms "like a boy" on the way out* Til next time girlies and boys!

<3 Bubs

HAIR: ETD - Laine in Chocolate
TOP: JP DESIGN - Die Pretty in White
PANTS: JP DESIGN - Baggy PANTS & POD (pants in black, ipod in pink)
RINGS(R): Chloe - Bubbles Ring Platinum
RINGS(L): FabulouS - GirliciouS in Platinum
EARRINGS: Spice&Sugar by amerie's NAUGHTY - Gold Love
LIPRING: No Mercy - Lip Piercing
TATTOOS: EtchD - Tangleweed
SCARF: SEY - vushuddhi short stole (color changed to pink)
SHOES: UBU - Pink Psycho Rain Boots

P.S... oooh just in case EVERYONE thinks I'm all bitter.. I'm not. Along with the bad, I've dated some incredible men, who I STILL adore to this day regardless how our relationship has changed. BIG UP to Chunkee, Jake, Anthony and Chris <3


Unknown said...

Such a cute outfit...Now I wanna be a "boy" too.

Need that ipod.

Bubbles Komachi said...

aww Thanks Elisabeth!! I'm still rocking it with my bad-ass self!!