Saturday, August 15, 2009

Summa-Summa Time

*Sighs sadly* I can't believe it's mid-august already!!! How can that be? It seems like only yesterday summer JUST started and now I'm staring at the fact that in a few weeks it will be over and "life" along with all its mundane responsibilities will begin! *cries suddenly* Summer PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!

At least i still have SL (woot FTW!!!) and its forever sunshine depending on my windlight settings and if my island-mates don't throw rain clouds over our land (*waves* haiii Nic and Fai) i seem to be getting back into blogging, where I look at things in a whole new light and get excited about the fact i get to take pictures and post it up, but we shall see how long that last.

It never ceases to amaze me how small this SL world really is, i happened to be in a store when a girl comes up to be and says she's seen my blog and was visiting this store because i wore something in it. After speaking a bit, it turns out we actually have friends in common and i wondered.. if we were to do a 7 degrees of separation in SL, how many of us would be easily connected. Alts not included of course!

I think I'm rambling again! Must... Post... Fashion.... NOW!
So i put together this very.. fun, playful "lets go sailing but i have to wear heels" type look! May i please take a moment to GUSH about Truth Hawk? I adore his hairs, they've been my favorite the past few months or so. I seem to go through phases, but the last few released (okies, maybe the last..10 releases?) Truth has definitely kept my attention and taken my Ls. I adore the colors, textures and style! Elle (released a few weeks ago) has definitely been my go-to, i love the slight waves and the long bangs sweeping across one eye. I wish i could get my hair to like this every day, disheveled and a tad messy but so incredibly sexy!

Today's Addiction:
Truth Hawk's Elle Hair, here i have it in Ivory

Today's Look:

SKIN: Vive9 - Joy in Tan Fly
TOP: Armidi - Tricote Nada in Red
PANTS: Artilleri - 1st Mate Capris in White
JACKET: *COCO* - Cardigan in Lace
BRACELETS: BOOM - Rhapsody Banglest in Crisp
SHOES: Pixel Mode - Kavika Sheen in Fire

Today's Song:
The Fresh Prince & DJ Jazzy Jeff - Summertime

Here it is the groove slightly transformed
Just a bit of a break from the norm
Just a little somethin to break the monotony
Of all that hardcore dance that has gotten to be
A little bit out of control its cool to dance
But what about the groove that soothes that moves romance
Give me a soft subtle mix
And if ain't broke then don't try to fix it
And think of the summers of the past
Adjust the bass and let the alpine blast
Pop in my CD and let me run a rhyme
And put your car on cruise and lay back cause this is summertime

<333 Bubs

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